□ What is Baptism?
Baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” – to submerge, to dip, to immerse completely in a liquid. The Greeks used this word to refer to the act of dyeing a garment — in the sense that the cloth must be completely submerged in the dye.
John the Baptist received a revelation from God concerning Water Baptism (John 1:31-33; Mat 3:1-6). Christ confirmed this fact (Mat 21:23-27) and therefore those who rejected John’s baptism “rejected the counsel of God against themselves” (Luke 7:29-30).
John baptized where there was sufficient water to fully immerse the people (John 3:23). The Bible also points out that when Jesus was baptized by John, He was completely immersed under the water (Mark 1:10).
Even though the procedure is the same, John’s baptism and the baptism ordained by Christ differ in purpose. John’s baptism was for repentant Jews to prepare for the coming of Christ the Messiah (Mat 3:6-11). The baptism Christ ordained is a part of God’s progressive plan of salvation (Mat 28:19; Acts 18:24-25; Acts 19:3-6).
□ Who is Eligible for Baptism?
Only those who sincerely believe and have repented from their sins (Mark 16:16). Babies and small children who have not reached sufficient maturity in order to experience salvation can not be considered eligible for Water Baptism (Acts 8:12; Acts 8:36-38). Jesus blessed the small children, but He did not baptize th
□ Is Baptism Necessary?
Baptism is not an option! Neither is it merely a religious symbolic ritual, or a method of church membership. Water Baptism is an essential part of the Gospel. It is a necessity for the new-born child of God who wants to experience the fullness of God’s grace and grow stronger as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ (Mat 28:19; Mark 16:16). The disciples always taught new believers about the importance of Water Baptism (Acts 2:38; Acts 10:47-48; Acts 22:16).
□ What Occurs in Baptism?
The Word of God indicates that Water Baptism is a part of the progressive salvation that begins when a sinner first repents and believes in Christ (Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21).
At new birth, one receives forgiveness and is saved from sin’s eternal punishment in hell; but in Water Baptism, the new-born child of God receives a victory over the “nature of sin”.
The “nature of sin” (or “old man”) refers to the inherited nature of rebellion and disobedience that came into the whole world due to Adam’s sin in the garden (Rom 5:19).
Since Adam first sinned, everyone is born with this “nature of sin” (Psalm 51:5; Jer 13:23). Death, therefore, is the only way to be completely free from its power over one’s life. This is exactly what Water Baptism is – a death and burial!
“Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death…” (Rom 6:4)
“Buried with Him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with Him…” (Col 2:12)
He that is “dead” is freed from sin (Rom 6:7; Rom 6:11). In Water Baptism, the believer is buried with Christ. He then comes up out of the water to walk in “newness of life” – a life of victory and authority over the nature of sin that previously dominated his life (Rom 6:1-6).
□ A Step of Obedience
Jesus Christ was determined to be baptized by John in order to “fulfill all righteousness” (Mat 3:15). The immediate response from God the Father was: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mat 3:17). If it was necessary for Christ, how much more for those who would choose to follow Him! And what a joy to know that God the Father is well pleased with such an act!
Water Baptism is definitely an important step of obedience for the child of God. Referring to their obedience in Water Baptism, Paul told the Roman believers: “…ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine…” (Rom 6:17).
□ A Daily Experience
At Water Baptism, the believer obeys God and the nature of disobedience is supernaturally exchanged for a nature of obedience – a nature which the believer must choose daily to walk in. The body that served sin is buried and now those same body members are given to God as a “living sacrifice” to do His will which is good, acceptable and perfect in every way (Rom 6:11-13; Rom 12:1-2).
Water Baptism is the believer’s first step in obedience – but not the last! As the believer considers himself dead to sin, and daily chooses to walk in obedience to God, this work of God’s grace in Water Baptism will continue to lead him onward in victory and spiritual maturity.