Love’s Paradox
Love’s Paradox

Love’s Paradox

Love’s Paradox

Definition of Paradox:
“a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that when investigated is proven to be well founded and true.”

* Complete in Christ, YET we pant like a deer for more. (Col 2:10 / Psalm 42:1-2)
* Full and overflowing, YET we hunger & thirst that we might be filled. (Psalm 23:5 / Mat 5:6)
* Rich, YET poor [“beggars” in the Greek) in spirit. (2 Cor 8:9 / Mat 5:3)
* Seated with Christ, YET walking, YET standing. (Eph 2:6 / Eph 4:1 / Eph 6:13)
* Christ in Us, YET we pursue Him. (Col 1:27 / Phi 3:14)
* Jesus apprehended us, YET we long to apprehend Jesus. ( Phi 3:12)
* Faith comes by hearing, YET we must mix hearing with faith. (Rom 10:17 / Heb 4:2)
* Righteousness and sanctification are a gift by faith, YET sanctification takes place from “glory to glory” by the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor 1:30 / 2 Cor 3:18)

…and the list of paradoxes in God’s Word goes on and on!

Mom and I were reflecting on this idea of paradoxes in God’s Word, and Mom gave a very profound explanation:

“Paradoxes exist in EVERY love relationship. We are satisfied together, yet we long for more of each other. Paradoxes exist in God’s Word because it is a love relationship that Jesus longs to have with us!” AMEN!

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) once said:

“To have found God and still to pursue Him is the SOUL’s PARADOX of LOVE. I have tasted of God’s goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more.”

A.W. Tozer also taught that the many paradoxes in the Bible are quite startling. Sadly, however, the spiritually immature Christian only views a Biblical paradox with his natural mind and is troubled. Therefore he desperately seeks by any means possible to eliminate the paradox by displacing the “opposing” side so he can cling to the remaining side. However, doing so CRUELLY ROBS God’s Word of its delicious richness! That is exactly what the Jewish religious leaders and Pharisees did. The result? In their zealous attempt to obey the Word, they crucified Jesus, the Living Word of God!

A spiritually mature Christian sees a paradox and immediately recognizes and delights in the multidimensional deepness and beauty of God’s Word. In his faith and love for God’s Word, he continues in sweet rest, embracing BOTH SIDES of every paradox – and his heart is thrilled to do so!

As we encounter paradoxes in God’s Word, may we listen carefully for the Holy Spirit, our Teacher, as He whispers “Selah” just like He did for the “Sweet Psalmist of Israel.” Then, in that moment of restful awe, let’s allow our heart to embrace the wondrous beauty of the Word.

By the way, every time we sing “Amazing Grace” by John Newton, we are vocalizing the paradox of grace:

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.

Enjoy the Word today!!

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